Auto Create Dimensions

by ERP Connect Consulting LLC

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Sync Master Data and Dimension Values

Currently supported localizations include the United States and Canada.

Includes Free 30-Day Trial.

Auto Create Dimensions (ACD) gives Business Central users the ability to sync various master data records to dimension values in the system. This helps reduce setup and maintenance time for each dimension value and also let’s you report on sub-ledger data like Customer, Vendor, and Item directly from the General Ledger.

Popular Use Cases

  • Create a Customer Dimension and Sync Customer Master records to the dimension. This allows you to report on customer data directly from the General Ledger.
  • Create a Vendor Dimension and Sync Vendor Master records to the dimension. This allows you to report on vendor data directly from the General Ledger.
  • Create an Item Dimension and Sync Item Master records to the dimension. This allows you to report on Item data directly from the General Ledger.
  • Link the Customer/Vendor/Item Dimension as a required default dimension (optional) from the master record it came from.

Link Customer Data to Dimensions:
  • Customer Number
  • Customer Posting Group
  • General Business Posting Group
  • Customer State
  • Customer Country/Region

Link Item Data to Dimensions:
  • Item Number
  • Item Category
  • General Product Posting Group
  • Item Vendor Number
  • Location Code

Link Vendor Data to Dimensions:
  • Vendor Number

Link Resource, Salesperson, and Employee Data to Dimensions:
  • Resource Number
  • Resource Group
  • Salesperson Code
  • Purchaser Code
  • Employee Number

At a glance